Minutes of a meeting of the Old Alleynian Golf Society Committee held by Zoom on Wednesday 18 October 2023 at 19.00 pm
Present: D W R Rutnam Chairman
M Flint Captain
S G Bonner Treasurer
R Kelly
H Avshu. Vice Captain
P J Foord. Hon Sec
- The minutes of the last meeting were approved as circulated. These had been posted on the Society website.
- Matters arising.
- Website. This is fine for the present so no changes to be made.
- Constitution. PF will circulate his proposed alterations with the minutes.
- Annual dinner. There will not be a Club dinner in 2024. There is the Halford Hewitt centenary dinner in January and the Sporting dinner in February.
- Accounts dealt with below.
- Presentation to Duncan Anderson
- DA has retired as Hon Sec after 10 years. (paragraph redacted. To be published after the AGM).
- It was unanimously agreed that a proposal be put to the Agm that DA be elected a Vice President of the society.
- End of year accounts.
- The accounts for the year ended 30.9.23 show a deficit of £1212. This is due to the increase (for 2 years only) in the entry fee for the Halford Hewitt of £600, and the subsidy given to the Under 30 members of the society to play in various matches.
- PF has asked the OAA if they will increase our grant by £600 for the next year, and is confident this will be approved, and so the deficit in ‘real terms’ is £600.
- The u30 subsidy can be broken down into £1176 matches, £860 HH and £525 Grafton. Total £2561.
- Entry fees for competitions for the year amount to £2546 (normal year £2000).
- Subscription income is an average of £2600 and the OAA grant £2000 (£2600 next year).
- The committee considered various options to reduce the likely annual deficit whilst being mindful that there is no need for any immediate action. In addition the very generous donation from Tim Franey can be utilised to reduce the deficit.
- It was agreed that the priority should be to support the Under 30’s, and pay for the entry fee for the competitions that the society competes in. Therefore, the society will continue to pay the entry fee in full for the HH, GM, Cyril Gray, RW putting and QE2 competitions as it has done for 99 years.
- In addition the cost of accommodation for those under 30 will be subsidised but the subsidy reduced from 50% to 25% of the cost. If any player wishes to, they may apply for an increased subsidy which the committee will consider.
- The subsidy for playing in matches for U30’s will continue at 50% of the green fee element but players will be requested to pay the full cost of any food.
- It was agreed for 2022/3 to use a sum of £600 from the Tim Franey donation fund to reduce the deficit. PF will write to TF to advise and thank him.
- SB will ensure that the full amount of the under 30 subsidy (£2561) is explained in a note to the accounts.
- Engagement of younger members.
- Can we consider sending an invitation to all OAA members to play with the OAGS, maybe on a ‘try before you buy’ basis.
- PF explained that Trevor Llewelyn at the OAA had been very helpful, and that PF had had an article posted in the last OAA bulletin. PF was sure it would be possible to put more articles in the bulletin in future and would discuss sending out an invite to play with the Oags.
- PF also noted that he was helping The Uganda schools project with a possible golf day. TUSP is the OAA and schools nominated charity for the year, and so PF would be asking the Oags members to support a golf day. In addition we would ask all OAA members if they would like to play, which would be good for the charity but also increase awareness of the Oags.
- OAGS Centenary
- Plans were underway for the celebrations in 2025. DA had booked the East India Club for the 11th February 2025, 100 years to the day of the first committee meeting.
- There is to be a wine tasting for the society wine. PF to arrange.
- HA is available for the dinner to hand over to Nick Owen. HA noted he was becoming busy at work, and not available on Saturdays. All agreed this should be fine. PF to advise of the important dates to attend.
- AGM notice dates.
- PF advised that we must give at least 14 days notice of the AGM. Publication on the website is deemed sufficient notice.
- It would be reasonable to remind all members of the forthcoming AGM and ask for them to submit any items to be included in the agenda at least 21 days prior to the AGM.
- PF will draft the notice in the next few weeks.
- AOB.
- None
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19.59 pm.
Date and time of next meeting TBA.