Proposed rule changes for approval at the AGM 2023

Below are the proposed new rules. For a marked up version which highlights the changes please email Peter Foord at


RULES ( approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 16 December 2021 and updated at a General Meeting held on )
These Rules supersede any previous rules
1. The name of the organisation is “The Old Alleynian Golfing Society” (‘the Society’)
2. Any person who was educated at Dulwich College (“the school”) for a minimum of two academic years after attaining the age of seven years is eligible for ordinary membership of the Society after attaining the age of eighteen years upon applying to the Hon Secretary of the Society via email or the society website.
3. The objects of the Society shall be:
(a) to support and further the participation of Old Alleynians (‘OAs’) of all ages in the game of golf through the provision of Society meetings, internal and external competitions and matches and events associated with the Society; and
(b) to actively engage with the school and The Old Alleynian Association (“the OAA”) and to undertake acts and activities which will strengthen the links between the Society and the school, including encouraging school leavers to join the Society.
4. The Society is a non-profit organisation. Any surplus made will be invested in the Society activities to benefit all members of the Society.
5. The Society’s golfing activities will adhere to the Rules of Golf as published by the R&A (or other commensurate body), save that the Committee (“the Committee” as defined in Rule 8a herein) may introduce its own rules if it deems them in the interests of the Society.
6. Members may bring guests to events and fixtures as determined by the Committee
7. The Officers of the Society shall be the Captain, Vice Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Chairman. It is expected that the Chairman will serve for a 3 year term. The Captain is expected to serve for one year but may stand for election as an ordinary member of the committee in the year following. The Vice Captain is expected to serve for one year, following which the said officer will be proposed as the incoming Captain. It is not expected that the Chairman, Captain or Vice Captain will sit on the Committee for more than three consecutive years each. It is not expected that the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer will sit on the Committee for more than nine consecutive years each but will offer themselves for re-election every three years.

8. (a) The Affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers and up to four ordinary members of which one is expected to represent the Dulwich College Halford Hewitt team in a playing or non-playing capacity and one is expected to represent the interests of those members under the age of 35. The Committee shall delegate day-to day operational activities to the Hon. Secretary who will act in accordance with the objects of the Society. Any significant expenditure outside of normal society business shall be referred to the Committee before any commitments are made.
(b) The four ordinary members referred to in Clause 7(a) are expected to serve no more than three consecutive years as ordinary members.
(c) In the event of a vacancy arising howsoever during the year between AGM’s on the committee, the Committee may, at their discretion, appoint a replacement to fill any vacancy on the Committee. The person appointed will serve until the following AGM when they may seek election in the prescribed manner.
(d) The Committee may appoint such sub-committees and working parties as it shall deem appropriate, each of which shall report to the Committee.
(e) A person must be a paid-up member of the Society to qualify for election to the Committee.
(f) The Chairman will act as Chair at the AGM and Committee meetings but may appoint any Committee member as his alternate to chair those meetings.
(g) The Committee may at any time appoint a President to serve for a period determined by the Committee. The President is not a member of the Committee but is entitled to attend meetings of the Committee but will not have a vote.
(h) The Membership Committee shall consist of the Hon. Secretary, Captain and two other members of the Committee.
9. Candidates for election to the committee must be proposed and seconded by current members (which can include Committee members) and notification of such sent to the Hon. Secretary at least 28 days prior to the date of the AGM to be held to approve their election. All nominations for election shall be included with the notice convening the AGM.
10. Elections shall take place in the following order: Chair; Hon. Secretary; Hon. Treasurer; Captain; Vice Captain; and ordinary members of the Committee. If in each case nominations exceed the number of places to be filled, election shall be by ballot of Members attending in person or by electronic communication.
11. Meetings of the Committee shall be called from time to time as the business of the Society may require but a minimum of 2 per annum should be held; the quorum for a Committee meeting shall be four Committee members.

12. Categories of Membership shall be as follows:
(a) ORDINARY MEMBERS: persons other than Vice Presidents and Staff members who shall pay annually such amount by way of subscription as the Committee shall from time to time determine. (“A member”)
(b) VICE PRESIDENTS: Any person who attended or is associated with Dulwich College and who has, in the opinion of the Committee, done such work or acts of so distinguished a nature in fulfilling the Society’s objects as merits being elected a Vice President. Vice Presidents become life members and are not subject to the payment of an annual subscription.
(c) STAFF MEMBERS: Teaching and non-teaching members of the staff and retired staff of the school. Staff members shall pay annually such amount by way of subscription as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
13. (a) Candidates for Ordinary Membership shall automatically become eligible for membership upon leaving the school and having attained the age of eighteen years. Candidates will be enrolled as members once their registration has been completed and accepted by the membership committee.
(b) Candidates for Staff membership must apply in writing to the Membership Committee.
(c) on election, each new member shall be requested to pay the amount (if any) due on election, and until such amount has been paid the member concerned shall not be entitled to participate in any of the advantages or privileges of the Society.
(d) Any member who shall have omitted to pay an annual subscription within one month after it has become due shall be sent a notice requesting payment. No member shall be allowed to vote at any General Meeting or represent the society in any match or competition until that subscription has been paid; and
(e) be (unless the Committee decides otherwise) suspended from the list of members, and shall only be eligible for reinstatement after payment of all arrears or such part thereof as the Committee shall decide.
14. Annual subscriptions shall be payable each year on the anniversary of the member’s election to the society.
15. The Society shall operate such bank accounts as the Committee deems necessary for it to carry out its duties. The Hon. Treasurer and at least one other Committee member shall be authorised to access and manage the Society’s bank accounts.
16. The Committee may expel or suspend a member for violation of these Rules or for bringing the Society into disrepute. If the Committee so decides, the member shall have the right to request and attend a meeting of the Committee to discuss the disciplinary proceedings and if the Committee upholds its decision to expel the member after such meeting the member shall have a subsequent right of appeal by requesting a Special General Meeting in the

required manner.
17. There shall be an Annual Dinner of the Society, to take place on a day decided upon by the Committee, which may authorise such dinners and events as it thinks fit. The Hon. Secretary will arrange golf fixtures in accordance with the objects of the Society.
18. (a) The AGM shall be held on a date in any year as may be decided upon by the Committee. The meeting may be held physically or by electronic communication or by a mixture of the two modes.
(b) A Special General Meeting shall be summoned on a requisition signed by not fewer than twenty members and be held as soon as practicable after the expiry of seven days from the date of receipt of such requisition by the Hon. Secretary on such a date and at such a time and venue as the Committee shall decide. Only propositions contained in such requisition shall be discussed and voted upon at such a meeting.
(c) All voting at General Meetings and at meetings of the Committee shall be by simple majority on a show of hands, either in person or electronically, and in the case of equality of voting the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
(d) The quorum for a General Meeting of the Society shall be ten members entitled to vote.
(e) No proxy votes shall be allowed at any General Meeting.
(f) Members shall have at least fourteen days notice of a General Meeting and of the purposes for which such meeting is called, and in this respect publication of such notice on the Society website shall be deemed good and sufficient notice.
19. All members when playing in any match or meeting are requested to wear Society attire and to wear the Society tie, where appropriate, after playing
20. The Society is fully committed to supporting the principle and practice of equality of opportunity. No Member should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender reassignment or should be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements that cannot be shown to be relevant to performance.
21. The Society collects and maintains personal information in order to carry out its functions, provide members with information and comply with certain statutory

obligations. All personal information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and with appropriate levels of security in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation
22. No alteration to these Rules shall be made unless approved by resolution of a two-thirds majority of those voting at a General Meeting called for the purpose.
23. If the Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall call a meeting of all members of the Society, giving at least fourteen days’ notice and stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed. If the proposal is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting, the Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Society. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to the OAA or such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Society as the members of the Society may determine or failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.